At ABSTI we know the importance of working in software development with agile methodologies, committing ourselves to the client throughout the process, listening to the client above all else, accompanying the changes that arise throughout development.

If your company is committed to digital transformation, agile processes are the most effective solution. They promote sustainable development, developers and users working together. Our developers work alongside the experts in the business on a constant basis.

The methodology is a framework for developing, delivering, and maintaining complex products. It allows tackling more demanding projects with great flexibility and essential speed when executing results. The strategy is aimed at managing and normalizing errors that may occur in very extensive developments, through frequent meetings that ensure compliance with the established objectives.

Software programming is always done in pairs, "two-handed" and ensures that there is always a programmer who knows and controls the work of the other to constantly check. This produces better code than when a single programmer is assigned.

The key benefits associated with the agile proposal:

  • Reduction of execution times.
  • Flexibility throughout development, associated with changes and additions.
  • Opportunity for visibility of the product or service as a whole as well as each step throughout the process.
  • Breadth of success rate.
"Agile processes take advantage of change to provide competitive advantages to the customer."
We invite you to know our way of doing things. Contact us